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License Generator

License Generator enables usage of (select) scripts by ikt. It checks if you are eligible for a license through Patreon. If you are, it generates a unique license for your system.

Programs and scripts that require this license will detect this license and automatically use it.


(Check the Notes section for more information.)


  1. Launch LicenseGenerator.exe.
    1. If an existing license is present, it will warn, and backup the old license if you want to create a new one.
  2. Log in through Patreon in the opened window.
    1. If the window does not open or if you are logged into an eligible Patreon account in a different browser, the URL in the browser or in the tool can be copied and pasted into another browser.
  3. If you are eligible, the license generator will now generate a license file (at %localappdata%\ikt\License\).
  4. The license generator is now finished and can be closed.
  5. The game can now be started, and the scripts are activated.

Command window example


Check the FAQ for tips if any issue occurs.

If you can’t resolve it yourself, please let me know: Discord.

Please DM me from %localappdata%\ikt\License\, the following files


  1. You’re eligible when you have an active pledge with the account that authorizes License Generator.
  2. Swapping out multiple core components may cause the system to be expired for the license. Re-generation of the license is needed in this situation.
  3. Only the License Generator connects with Patreon to check if you are eligible. The scripts only check the license file locally. The scripts themselves may or may not individually check select GitHub repositories to notify for updates or to pull in data required for the script to work.

Terms of Use

This Software Use Agreement (“Agreement”) is between ikt (“Author”) and the User (the subscriber who uses the services). By subscribing to the Author’s Patreon and using the software described below, the User agrees to these terms.

1. License to use the software

2. Subscription terms

3. As-is disclaimer

4. Availability and online reliance

5. Limitations of liability

6. Intellectual property rights

7. Termination

8. Renewal of licenses due to system configuration changes

9. Refunds and cancellation

10. Modifications to this agreement