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Custom Gear Ratios

Change car gear ratios in GTA V.


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A license is required to use Custom Gear Ratios v1.2.1 and newer. You can get one by pledging on Patreon. The script will inform you when you need to generate or renew the license.


  1. Put CustomGearRatios.asi and the folder CustomGearRatios in your GTA V folder.
  2. Start the game.


Put CustomGearRatios.asi in your GTA V folder. Old settings don’t need to be replaced.


To open the menu:

The key and cheat to open the menu can be changed in settings_menu.ini.

XML files

In the folder CustomGearRatios/Configs, XML files can be placed with gearbox descriptions.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <Description>5-gear AE86</Description>


Gear ratios are changed by the gearbox tuning and other scripts that call MODIFY_VEHICLE_TOP_SPEED. The script tries to revert back to the gearbox settings before this, but it’s recommended to disable all functionalities in scripts that modify the top speed using the mentioned native.